Adding more options would have helped really flesh this mode out, but as it is, it’s a gimmick, but a fun one. Whoever can grab them will grow in size or increase their speed, while the occasional poison object will shrink players. As you and another fighter square off, occasionally mushrooms will be released into the arena. Mushroom Battle is the better new addition, but it is also a very shallow one. It’s just as you remember it, right down to the often frustrating hit detection on the ball, and the annoying frequency in which the ball is lobbed behind you, leaving you to slowly and awkwardly shuffle backwards to feebly attempt to get it.

The more the players volley it back and forth, the more powerful it becomes. The other player needs to hit it back or risk it connecting and causing damage. A beach ball is then dropped, and it becomes active when one player hits it. For those that aren’t familiar, it pits two players against each other, separated by a line that neither can cross. Longtime fans of the series will likely remember Tekken Ball from years back, and although it hasn’t been included in a Tekken game since 1997, fans should have no trouble picking it up in stride. Both modes are minor additions, but they are welcome ones. The Wii U version of TTT2 contains all the content you may have seen before, along with two new game modes: Mushroom Battle, and the return of the long absent fan favorite, Tekken Ball. I mark some of these down to personal preferences though. While I agree that it is a great game, there are a few things that rubbed me the wrong way. When we originally reviewed it, our own de facto fighting game expert, Earnest Cavalli, loved it, and named it one of the best games of the year. Tekken Tag Tournament 2 arrived on the Wii U with a few new features and game modes, as well as all the content that was packed into the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions. Thankfully, it just happens to be the biggest fighting franchise of all time. No, only one fighting franchise answered the Wii U’s call for content. Surprisingly, there are no signs of any of Capcom’s fighting games, no Mortal Kombat, and not even a more obscure fighting game like the recent Persona 4 Arena. When the Vita and the 3DS recently debuted, both systems had plenty of fighting game options, and many more have been released since. With all the games appearing on the Wii U, both original and re-releases, one of the more noticeable absences has been in the fighting game genre. The analog stick is set to off as a default